Lunes, Hulyo 1, 2013


Testimonial Videos

Good morning,

Below are some of the testimonial videos of successful Alliance In Motion (AIM Global)members including top earners like Joseph Lim, who were simple citizens before but turned their lives into wealthy businessmen after applying Six (6) easy-to-grasp marketing plans.

Also included are testimonials of people who tested AIM Global products and have proven them to be effective.

For more information, please feel free to text me your name, age, address @ 09212683335/09331014040

To continue reading


Members Benefits

Below is the list of benefits of all AIM Global members, right after registration.

1. Products - Each new member can choose from five COMBO package as shown above (A, B, C, D, E).

2. Discount - Each member can avail 25% lifetime discounts on all AIM Global products.

3. Business Kit: (For start-up)

* Folder for presentation
* Video Presentation CD
* Insurance Certificate
* Scholarship Certificate
* ATM application form (BDO for daily and monthly income)
* ID application form

4. Personal Accident Insurance

* Php 200,000 - Accident Insurance
* Php 50,000 - Unprovoked Murder and Assault
* Php 10,000 - Medical Reimbursement
* Php 10,000 - Burial Assistance

5. AIM Global website access (Webpage)

Each member will have his/her own account in AIM Global's computer system where successful group sales transactions (real time) can be viewed 24/7.

6. Free Medical Check-up

Each member is entitled to a free annual medical check-up

* Complete physical examination
* Complete blood count (CBC)
* Chest X-Ray
* Urinalysis
* Fecalysis
* Dental Evaluation
* Visual Aquity Test

Note: Coverage of medical check-up depend on the tie-up clinics.

7. Transferable Scholarship:

Each member can choose from than 300 affiliated schools across the Philippines to avail 50% to 100% scholarship, which can be transferred to anyone the member wishes.

8. Global business opportunities

Each member can utilize all the Six (6) easy-to-understand make money schemes which are not limited to high direct-selling (retail selling) profit, direct sponsoring schemes and non-demotion profit sharing bonuses.


Make Money

Good morning,

Below are the six (6) major ways and easy-to-follow guide on how to make money from Alliance In Motion Global, Inc. You can also watch the series of Video Presentation of Alliance In Motion Global, Inc. Vice President for Marketing Mr. Raymond “John” Asperin here.

Once you become a member, you are automatically authorized to use these strategies apart from the Initial Benefits you already have.

Take note that all daily earnings are being given on a daily basis via BDO ATM.

1. RETAIL PROFIT (25% discount)
All members are entitled to a lifetime 25% discount on their next reordering of any of all the products.

Example: 1 box of C24/7

Php 1,200.00 Suggested Retail Price (SRP)
Php 900.00 Member’s Price (25% discount)
Php 300.00 Retail Profit


Every person (friend, family member, neighbor, classmate, co-workers, etc) that you have personally invited to join and then later bought a Global Package and became a member, you will automatically earn Php 500.00.


There are 3 (three) different ways to make money in this scheme. You will have two groups, Group A (Left Sales Group) and Group B (Right Sales Group). Each new member under your Group is equal to 1,200 points and every match will make you earn Php 1,500.

Person to Person Match Bonus

Every time there is a new member in Group A and another one in Group B, the person-to-person match will make you earn Php 1,500.

Person to Product Match Bonus

When there is a new member on one side, and a group-accumulated product re-order points of 1,200 points on the other side, the person-to-product match will make you earn Php 1,500.

Product to Product Match Bonus

When there is a group-accumulated product re-order points of 1,200 points on one side, and a group-accumulated product re-order points of 1,200 points on the other side, the product-to-product match will make you earn Php 1,500. This means you can still earn even without a new member.

NOTE: Alliance In Motion Global, Inc. only allows each member to have up to 16 accounts/heads or Group matches (8 for Group A and 8 for Group B) a day. Therefore, maximum daily earnings in this scheme is Php 1,500 x 16 = Php 24,000!


This make-money scheme is based on product reorders from your first level up to your tenth level. You (and each of your downline) will earn a monthly income of 5%-10% rebates on Sales Volume (SV) based on Product Points. You (and each of your downline) will earn 10% from Direct Referrals and 5% from Indirect Referrals.


This make-money scheme will give a separate commission in your down line reorder which depend on your position.

Distributor - Any new member is automatically a distributor and will not have (0%) commission from his/her first level to infinity level.

Silver Executive (SE) - Any member that can have an accumulated 10 Positional points (Group Points) is automatically promoted as SE, and will have additional 10% commission on group product sales from first level to infinity level.

Gold Executive (GE) - Any member that can have an accumulated 100 Positional points (Group Points) is automatically promoted as GE, and will have additional 20% commission on group product sales from first level to infinity level.

Global Ambassador (GA) - Any member that can have an accumulated 1,000 Positional points (Group Points) is automatically promoted as GA, and will have additional 30% commission on group product sales from first level to infinity level.


All Global Ambassadors (GA) can earn 2% of Group Reorder Pointsfrom their 5th level down lines provided that all of them are also Global Ambassadors.

If you are promoted as GA with 2,000 points, and your 1st level GA has also 2000 points, 2nd level with 3 level 1GA, and in 3rd level with 5 level 1 GA, you will have 2% profit sharing commission based on company's sales in a year.

ALLIANCE IN MOTION (team synergy-AIMFIRE group)

C 24/7


Complete Phyto-energizer is the most nutritionally dense food concentrate in the world market today. It contains the most number of anti-oxidants with approximately 16,000 phytonutrients in one product. The ingredients of Complete work in “synergy” to produce the maximum result for your body, making it the most potent anti-aging product in the history of supplementation.

Complete Phyto-energizer introduces a new concept in supplements taken for daily health and energy through a wider range of distinctly balanced nutrients that provide the crucial health value from three important areas: daily essentials, botanical energizers and system defenders that include anti-oxidants. Composed of a greater number of revitalizing nutrients from more natural sources than any product, Complete supplements are the supreme Whole Food Energizers™.

Complete Phyto-Nutrients is manufactured by Nature’s Way, a billion dollar company in Springville, Utah, USANature’s Way has 45 years of research and development of herbal and nutritional science that made the company a recognized leader among all the nutritional and supplement companies in America.

Complete Phyto-Energizer is specially formulated for easy digestion and absorption into the bloodstream. Even the capsule breaks up quickly in the digestive tract. In comparison with other supplements, Complete V-Caps completely disintegrate in 18 minutes or less (the proper time to ensure absorption by the body). Other brands take up to 5 times longer.

Complete Phyto-energizer contains daily essentials:

* 16,000 Phytonutrients and Anti-oxidants
* 29 Vitamins / Minerals / Trace Minerals
* 12 Whole Fruit Juice Blend
* 12 Whole Vegetable Juice Blend
* 18 Amino Acids
* 14 Super Green foods / Spirulina blend
* 12 Mushrooms
* 12 DIgestive Enzymes
* 12 Herbs & Specialty Nutrients
* 10 Essential Fatty Acids

As a cleanser, healer and energizer, Complete Phyto-energizer strengthens the body to protect itself and fight against a wider range of physiological conditions that lead to ailments such as hypertension, diabetes and cancer, among others.

* Lowers cholesterol level
* Protects against heart disease and complications
* Helps prevent cancer of any origin
* Controls high-blood pressure
* Controls blood sugar
* Enhances, nourishes, strengthens and balances the immune system
* Rejuvinates the skin
* Promotes healthy blood circulation and cell regeneration
* Detoxifies the body
* Enhances sexual vitality
* Prevents degenerative diseases like arthritis and rheumatism
* Reduces the toxic effect of chemotherapy and radiation
* Increases your energy and strength
* Protects your precious DNA and RNA
* Relieves headaches and dizziness
* Maintain healthy gums
* Inhibit tumor growth
* Supports your liver
* Get better sleep
* Improves your vision
* Makes you look and feel younger
* Improves digestion and fertility
* Improves your lymphocyte count
* Treat menopausal symptoms
* Prevents morning sickness
* Protects children’s health
* Alleviate anxiety and stress
* Prevent allergies
* Resist disease
* Support kidney health
* Improves your memory
* Helps chronic dry cough
* Builds strong blood
* Inhibit lipid peroxidation
* Present allergies
* Resist disease

Making its mark as the pioneer of many breakthroughs in the advancement of good health and the supplement industry, Nature’s Way is known for its green leaf logo which represents health, life and nature. The company prides itself in the dedication to manufacture the finest products that consumers have attested to when they “trust the leaf” each time they buy and use Nature’s Wayproducts.